1. Why were the colonists unhappy with the fact that their judges' salaries were paid by the king?

2. The Declaration was divided into 4 parts. Write down the first phrase of each of those four parts.

Need help with these. Thanks


1. The judges were probably not impartial if they were paid by the king. Wouldn't their loyalty lie with the British rather than the colonists?

2. I'll be glad to comment on your answers.

Can I get a link for the declaration..? I can't find it in my book.


MC -- Please show some independence and self-sufficiency.

You can Google Declaration of Independence as well as I can.

1. To understand why the colonists were unhappy with the fact that their judges' salaries were paid by the king, we need to look at the historical context of the American colonies. The colonists' dissatisfaction stemmed from the broader issue of their lack of representation and control over their own governance.

In the colonial era, the king of England held significant power over the colonies. The colonists believed that a fair and impartial judiciary was essential for justice to be served. However, when the king appointed and paid the judges, it raised concerns about potential bias and partiality.

The colonists felt that paying judges' salaries directly from the king undermined the independence and integrity of the judicial branch. They believed it could lead to judges favoring the king's interests over the rights and liberties of the colonists. This lack of trust in the impartiality of the judiciary further fueled their discontent, contributing to the broader grievances against British rule that ultimately led to the American Revolution.

2. The Declaration of Independence is indeed divided into four parts: the Preamble, the Declaration of Natural Rights, the List of Grievances, and the Conclusion.

The first phrase of each part is:

1. Preamble: "When in the course of human events..."
2. Declaration of Natural Rights: "We hold these truths to be self-evident..."
3. List of Grievances: "He has refused his Assent to Laws..."
4. Conclusion: "We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America..."

Remember that the Declaration of Independence is a historic document that is widely available for reference and study. You can easily find the complete text online or in publications for a detailed understanding.