what is 33 and one third percent of 600

1/33 percent of 600?

0.333333 * 600 = ?


1/3 * 600 = ?

It's not 1/33 percent of 600.


To find 33 and one-third percent of 600, you need to multiply 600 by 33 and one-third percent, which can be written as 0.3333.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to decimal form. Divide 33 and one-third by 100.
33 and one-third percent ÷ 100 = 0.3333

Step 2: Multiply this decimal by 600 to find the answer.
0.3333 × 600 = 199.98

So, 33 and one-third percent of 600 is approximately 199.98.