Explain in your own words why the line y = 4 is a horizontal line?

Your teacher wants YOUR words.

if you got subtracted 2.3 from 20 and got 17.7 explain why this answer is reasonable

A line's slope determines its direction and whether it is horizontal, vertical, or slanted. The slope of a line represents the change in y-coordinates for a given change in x-coordinates. A horizontal line has a slope of zero, which means that for any change in x, there is no change in y.

In the equation y = 4, the y-coordinate is constant and does not change regardless of the value of x. This means that no matter what x-value you plug in, the corresponding y-value will always be 4. Since there is no change in y, we can conclude that the line y = 4 is horizontal.

To determine if a line is horizontal, we can examine its equation. If the equation is in the form y = b, where b is a constant value, then the line is horizontal. In this case, y = 4 fits that form.