

-10 - 4 - 9 + 12 - 5

-28 + 12 = -16

Order of operations says to do parenthesis first.


Thanks, Jen. I goofed!

easy stuff-this is easy to remember:

PEMDAS-parinthesis exponets multiply divide add subtract :u do it in that order from left to right

To simplify the expression -2(-5+2)-3(3-4)-5, you need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication & Division, and Addition & Subtraction).

Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Simplify within parentheses.
-5 + 2 = -3
3 - 4 = -1

After simplifying, the expression becomes:
-2(-3) - 3(-1) - 5

Step 2: Apply the distributive property.
-2 times -3 is equal to 6. (When multiplying a negative number by a negative number, the result is always positive.)
-3 times -1 is equal to 3.
So, the expression becomes:
6 + 3 - 5

Step 3: Simplify the remaining addition and subtraction.
6 + 3 is equal to 9.
9 - 5 is equal to 4.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 4.

To solve this manually, follow these steps:


Step 1: Simplify within parentheses.
-5 + 2 = -3
3 - 4 = -1

After simplifying:
-2(-3) - 3(-1) - 5

Step 2: Apply the distributive property.
-2 times -3 is equal to 6. (When multiplying a negative number by a negative number, the result is always positive.)
-3 times -1 is equal to 3.
So, the expression becomes:
6 + 3 - 5

Step 3: Simplify the remaining addition and subtraction.
6 + 3 is equal to 9.
9 - 5 is equal to 4.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 4.