I have math questions to do, but since my class and I share the math text books with this other class, we are not allowed to bring them home. So I decided to go onto the site :

h t t p : // highered . mcgraw-hill . com /sites/0070002479/information_center_view0/sample_material . h t m l

On this site there is this interactive edition that a teacher and a student can use, so I clicked on it, but it's not working on my computer. What should I do?

Don't know if this is the problem: There is a notice saying:

"Please note: You will require Examview software to access this sample chapter."
Do you have Examview software?

If the interactive edition on the website is not working on your computer, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can try:

1. Check for browser compatibility: Make sure you are using a browser that is compatible with the interactive edition. The website might specify which browsers are supported. If you are using an outdated or unsupported browser, try using a different one.

2. Clear your browser cache: Sometimes, accumulated cache and cookies on your browser can interfere with the functionality of websites. Clearing your browser cache can help resolve this issue. Go to your browser settings and look for the option to clear cache or browsing data.

3. Disable browser extensions: Browser extensions can sometimes conflict with certain website features. Try temporarily disabling any browser extensions or add-ons you may have installed, then reload the website and see if the interactive edition starts working.

4. Update your browser and plugins: Make sure you have the latest version of your browser installed. Outdated browser versions or outdated plugins like Adobe Flash can cause compatibility issues. Update your browser and any relevant plugins to their latest versions.

5. Try a different device or network: If the interactive edition is not working on your computer, try accessing it on a different device (such as a tablet, smartphone, or another computer) or through a different network. This can help determine if the issue is specific to your computer or network.

6. Contact technical support: If none of the above steps resolve the issue, contact the technical support team for the website. They may be able to provide further troubleshooting steps or help resolve the problem.

Remember, it's always a good idea to consult with your teacher or classmates for alternative resources in case there are technical issues with the online edition.