If you are in downtown Chicago and facing north, what direction would you go to reach Lake Michigan? I am pretty good with directions. So my answer is, I would go east. Correct?



Right again!

I grew up in southeastern Chicago and the "Lake" was always to the east of us.


it can only be left or right to get to lake Michigan from downtown Chicago.

so,i wanna know were when it faces north go to does it face lake michigan. just tell me!!!

It’s says right or left so I would say right

Yes, you are correct! If you are in downtown Chicago and facing north, you would go east to reach Lake Michigan.

To understand why, here's a breakdown of how you can determine the direction:

1. Identify your starting point: Downtown Chicago.
2. Find the destination: Lake Michigan.
3. Visualize the relative positions of the two locations: Downtown Chicago is situated west of Lake Michigan.
4. Determine the direction: Since you are facing north, you can imagine yourself turning 90 degrees to the right, which would align you with east.
5. Confirm the direction: Going east will lead you towards Lake Michigan.

So, by going east from downtown Chicago when facing north, you'll reach Lake Michigan. Great job with directions!

east boy

I live on the other side of the country, so I have no idea

. - .