the matrials commnly used to sheild living begings from potentially harmful radiactivily includes

The materials commonly used to shield living beings from potentially harmful radioactivity include several different types of materials. These materials are chosen based on their ability to block or absorb ionizing radiation and reduce its penetration into the human body.

One of the most commonly used materials for radiation shielding is lead. Lead has a high density, which makes it an effective shield against many types of radiation, including X-rays and gamma rays. Lead can absorb and scatter the radiation, preventing it from reaching living beings. Lead is often used in the construction of shielding walls, doors, and protective clothing.

Another material used for shielding is concrete. Concrete is a combination of cement, aggregates, and water, which forms a solid and dense barrier. It contains elements such as silica, calcium, and iron, which help in absorbing and dispersing radiation. Concrete is often used to build shielding walls and barriers around nuclear power plants and other radioactive facilities.

In addition to lead and concrete, other materials used for shielding include steel, which is commonly used as a structural material in shielding doors and windows, and water, which can act as an effective shield against certain types of radiation, such as neutrons.

It's important to note that the choice of shielding material depends on the type and energy of the radiation, as well as the specific application. Different materials have different shielding properties, so the selection of the appropriate material is crucial in effectively protecting living beings from potentially harmful radiation.