how do I write and start a two voice poem?

Here's a good article with a hilarious example.

To write and start a two-voice poem, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose a Theme or Topic
Select a theme or topic that you want to explore in your two-voice poem. This could be a contrasting perspective, a debate or conversation between two characters, or even the representation of two sides of your own thoughts or feelings.

Step 2: Identify the Two Voices
Decide on the specific voices you want to use in your poem. These voices could be two distinct characters or personas, two different aspects of your own personality, or any other contrasting or complementary voices you wish to represent.

Step 3: Create the Structure
There is no fixed structure for a two-voice poem, so you have flexibility in how you organize it. However, one common method is to alternate the voices between stanzas or lines. For example, you could have one stanza or line representing Voice A, followed by another stanza or line representing Voice B, and continue this pattern throughout the poem.

Step 4: Write the Poem
Start by writing from the perspective of Voice A or the first character/persona you have chosen. Explore their thoughts, emotions, and experiences related to the chosen theme or topic. Try to capture their voice and perspective authentically.

Then, switch to Voice B or the second character/persona and explore their thoughts, emotions, and experiences related to the same theme or topic. Again, aim to capture their distinct voice and perspective.

Continue alternating between the two voices, maintaining the structure you established in Step 3. You can make the voices directly interact with each other, respond to each other's thoughts, or present contrasting viewpoints.

Step 5: Revise and Refine
After completing the initial draft, review your poem, paying attention to the flow, clarity, and effectiveness of the two voices. Consider revising the language, imagery, and overall structure to enhance the contrast or complementarity between the two voices. You may also experiment with different line breaks, punctuation, or formatting to emphasize the interaction between the voices.

Remember, writing is a creative process, so feel free to experiment, rewrite, and refine as you see fit.