Target Corporation is currently seeking additional capital to expand its operations. Two companies have shown interest in providing additional capital.

•Company #1 is interested in investing in the organization and, therefore, would like to have part ownership through the sale of new stock.
•Company #2 is interested in providing a loan to the Target Corporation.
Both organizations need to know more about the financial stability of Target.

As an employee of Target, your supervisor needs you to write a memo in which you explain what information from the Target Corporation's financial statements will be highlighted when representatives of Target meet with each of these companies. In your memo, be sure to explain which information will be highlighted to Company #1 and which information will be highlighted to Company #2 and why. Explain any differences in the information that you have chosen to highlight


To: Supervisor
From: [Your Name]
Date: [Current Date]
Subject: Financial Information for Target Corporation

I hope this email finds you well. As requested, I have analyzed the financial statements of Target Corporation and identified the specific information that should be highlighted for representatives from Company #1 and Company #2, respectively. The details are as follows:

1. Company #1 - Interest in ownership through the sale of new stock:
When meeting with representatives from Company #1, it would be important to highlight the following financial information:

a) Balance Sheet: The balance sheet provides an overview of the company's assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity. The representatives of Company #1 will likely pay close attention to the shareholders' equity section, as it will show the total value of ownership in the company. By highlighting this section, it can demonstrate the potential value and growth prospects of the company to Company #1.

b) Income Statement: The income statement shows the company's revenues, expenses, and net income for a particular period. It would be beneficial to focus on the net income figure, as it indicates the profitability of the company. This can give Company #1 an idea of the potential return on their investment.

c) Cash Flow Statement: The cash flow statement reveals the inflows and outflows of cash during a specific period. Emphasizing the cash flow from operations and cash flow from financing activities sections can showcase the company's financial stability and its ability to generate and maintain adequate cash reserves, which is crucial to support growth plans.

The focus with Company #1 is on providing evidence of the company's growth potential, profitability, and financial stability, as they are interested in a long-term investment through the purchase of new stock.

2. Company #2 - Interest in providing a loan:
For representatives from Company #2, who are interested in providing a loan, it would be prudent to highlight the following financial information:

a) Debt-to-Equity Ratio: This ratio represents the level of debt financing relative to equity financing. A lower ratio indicates a lower financial risk and can demonstrate a company's ability to repay its loans. By emphasizing a favorable debt-to-equity ratio, Company #2 can be assured of the company's financial stability and its capacity to service the debt.

b) Interest Coverage Ratio: This ratio shows the company's ability to cover its interest expenses with its operating income. A higher interest coverage ratio demonstrates that the company generates sufficient operating income to easily meet its interest obligations. Highlighting a strong interest coverage ratio will provide confidence to Company #2 that Target can fulfill its loan repayment obligations.

c) Collateral or Assets: It would also be beneficial to highlight the company's assets, specifically those that can be used as collateral for the loan. This adds a layer of security for the lender, as they will have assets to claim if the loan is not repaid. Highlighting valuable assets will showcase the potential fallback options available to Company #2.

With Company #2, the emphasis needs to be on the company's ability to repay the loan, reduce financial risk, and provide sufficient collateral as security.

By highlighting the above information to the respective companies, Target can demonstrate its financial health, stability, and potential for future growth, addressing their specific interests and concerns. I believe this approach will provide the necessary information to both Company #1 and Company #2, helping Target Corporation secure the additional capital required for expansion.

Please let me know if you require any further assistance.

Best regards,
[Your Name]