What is the algebraic relationship between x and y?

x: 1 -1 3 0 -2

y: 6 0 12 3 -3

To find the algebraic relationship between x and y, we need to look for a pattern or equation that relates the values of x and y. We can do this by examining the given values and looking for any consistent changes or relationships between them.

Looking at the x-values, we can see that they are changing in an irregular manner. However, if we look at the corresponding y-values, we can observe a consistent pattern. Let's subtract each y-value by 3 (y - 3) to find the relationship:

x: 1 -1 3 0 -2
y: 6 0 12 3 -3

y - 3: 3 -3 9 0 -6

By subtracting each y-value by 3, we obtain a pattern in which the resulting values are all multiples of 3. Now let's compare the x-values and the resulting values from y - 3:

x: 1 -1 3 0 -2
y - 3: 3 -3 9 0 -6

From this comparison, we can see that the relationship between x and y is that y - 3 is equal to 3 times x. In other words, we have the equation:

y - 3 = 3x

Therefore, the algebraic relationship between x and y is y = 3x + 3.