% of Paupers

Native: 51.6
Foreign: 39.3

% of Population
Native: 74.5
Foreign: 13.4

How much higher was the proportion of paupers in the foreign?

How to get the answer?


0.516 * 0.745 = = 0.38442 = 38.4% of the total population are native paupers


0.393 * 0.134 = 0.052662 = 5.3% of the foreign population are paupers

5.3% of the total population are foreign paupers

To find out how much higher the proportion of paupers is for the foreign population compared to the native population, you can calculate the difference between the two percentages.

Here's how you can get the answer:

1. Subtract the percentage of paupers among the foreign population from the percentage of paupers among the native population:
Proportion difference = Native paupers - Foreign paupers

In this case, the percentage of paupers among the native population is 51.6% and among the foreign population is 39.3%.

So, the calculation would be:
Proportion difference = 51.6% - 39.3%

Calculate the difference to get the answer.