I have to write Anecdote and I choose "you can always count on your friend" However my teacher said that Anecdote is not fictional and that it is something that happened you or someone you know. Well this happened to my friend and I wrote about it. I am very much confused. please direct a ways to write this. Thank you. and tell if this is good.

Because, of a poor self image Amy wakes up every morning, battling to eat a small meat. She wants to be beanpole like a stick thin.Each day she desires to be skinny, look like the girls on the magazines and her admiration to be thin peaked at its certainty. Her eating disorder got hold on her; she exercises rapidly, purges and fasts every other day. That is when her childhood friend, Janet decided to inform her friend about her eating disorder. She could not take seeing her friend being undernourished as emaciated, starved kitten. However, Janet still persuaded Amy to talk to healthy professional. Day by day Amy gradually improved. She no longer struggles with eating food, her symptoms declined and she strives each day to eat as much as she can.

You definitely have the right idea.

Now you need to proofread your paragraph. Pay particular attention to your verb tenses.

Anecdotes are indeed based on real-life experiences, so it's important to make sure your anecdote reflects something that actually happened to you or someone you know. From your description, it seems like the story you're writing about is based on your friend's experience with an eating disorder.

To write this anecdote, you can follow a simple structure:

1. Set the scene: Begin by describing Amy's struggle with her poor self-image and her desire to be thin. This will help establish the context for the story.

2. Introduce the problem: Explain how Amy's eating disorder took hold of her life, leading to unhealthy habits like rapid exercise, purging, and fasting.

3. Introduce Janet: Share how Janet, Amy's childhood friend, became concerned about her well-being after witnessing Amy's physical deterioration.

4. Janet's intervention: Describe how Janet decided to approach Amy and express her concerns about her eating disorder. You can mention the conversation between them and Janet's encouragement for Amy to seek professional help.

5. Amy's recovery: Talk about how Amy gradually improved as she started talking to a healthcare professional and working on her recovery. Highlight her progress, such as no longer struggling with eating, a reduction in symptoms, and her determination to eat as much as she can.

Remember to include specific details and vivid language to make your anecdote more engaging and relatable. Additionally, make sure to respect your friend's privacy by using pseudonyms and avoiding any identifying information about them.

As for the quality of your anecdote, it seems like you have a strong foundation to work with. Just make sure to expand on the details, emotions, and important moments in the story to create a more captivating narrative.