What is a tertiary industry? Please give me a specific answer please! =3

Thank ye!


@Ms. Sue So it's like advertising?

And btw thanks!!! xD

A tertiary industry, also known as the service sector, refers to businesses that provide services rather than producing goods. These industries focus on offering intangible goods and services to consumers, such as transportation, education, healthcare, hospitality, finance, and entertainment.

To find a specific example of a tertiary industry, you can identify a sector within the service industry, such as healthcare. Healthcare is a vital tertiary industry that includes hospitals, clinics, doctors' offices, and other medical service providers. They offer services like medical consultations, diagnostic tests, surgeries, and various treatments to promote and maintain people's health.

So, in summary, a tertiary industry refers to the service sector, and an example of a specific one is the healthcare industry, which provides medical services to individuals.