A bus travels 250 km south along a straightpath with an average velocity of 84 km/h to the south. The bus stops for 26 min, then it

travels 240 km south with an average velocity
of 70 km/h to the south.
How long does the total trip last?

To find the total trip duration, we need to calculate the time taken for each leg of the journey separately and then add them together.

For the first leg of the journey:
Distance traveled = 250 km
Average velocity = 84 km/h

Using the formula: Time = Distance / Velocity
Time for the first leg = 250 km / 84 km/h

Next, we need to convert the time from hours to minutes since the bus stops for 26 minutes.

Time for the first leg in minutes = (250 km / 84 km/h) * 60 min/h

Now, let's calculate the time for the second leg of the journey:
Distance traveled = 240 km
Average velocity = 70 km/h

Time for the second leg = 240 km / 70 km/h

Now, let's add up the times for both legs of the journey and include the 26 minutes for the bus stop:

Total trip duration = (Time for the first leg in minutes) + (Time for the second leg) + (26 minutes)

By substituting the values and evaluating the expression, we can determine the total trip duration.