BW made c cookies to divide evenly amoung O,TS,SB,and RD and BW himself. Write an algebraic expression that represents the number of cookies each person will receive. I have no clue...sorry those were intitals the problem characters had long names.

I think it would just be c/5, since there are 5 people. If c=20, each person would get 4, so it makes sense.

There are 5 cookie eaters.

cookiesreceivedbyeach= c/5

No problem! Let's break down the problem and create an algebraic expression to represent the number of cookies each person will receive.

According to the problem, there are "c" cookies to be divided evenly among five people - O, TS, SB, RD, and BW himself.

To find the number of cookies each person will receive, we'll divide the total number of cookies by the number of people. Since there are 5 people in total, we can represent this with the fraction: c/5.

To assign the number of cookies to each person individually, we can use the following expressions:
- O: (c/5)
- TS: (c/5)
- SB: (c/5)
- RD: (c/5)
- BW: (c/5)

Here's how you can express the number of cookies each person will receive:
O will receive c/5 cookies.
TS will receive c/5 cookies.
SB will receive c/5 cookies.
RD will receive c/5 cookies.
BW will receive c/5 cookies.

That's it! The algebraic expression would be:
(c/5) cookies for each person.