how can you tell the easiest way if something is a chemical change or physical change.

Is there a new product?

just in general, how could you tell?

To determine the easiest way if something is a chemical change or physical change, you can consider a few key differences between the two.

A physical change refers to a change in the physical properties of a substance, such as its shape, size, color, or state of matter, without altering its chemical composition. During a physical change, no new substances are formed. Examples of physical changes include melting ice, boiling water, or crushing a soda can.

On the other hand, a chemical change involves the formation of new substances with different chemical compositions. It typically includes a rearrangement of atoms or molecules, resulting in the creation of one or more new substances. Signs of a chemical change can include the production of gas, light, heat, color changes, or the formation of a precipitate. Examples of chemical changes include burning wood, rusting iron, or cooking an egg.

To distinguish between a physical change and a chemical change, you can observe any noticeable changes happening during the process such as the release of gas, temperature variations, color alterations, or the formation of a new substance. If any of these signs are present, it is likely a chemical change has occurred. However, if the change only involves alterations in physical properties like size, shape, or state, it is likely a physical change.

Remember, it is essential to carefully observe and analyze the changes taking place to determine if a chemical or physical change has occurred.