In an NFL football game, the Bears scored a total of 41 poionts, including one safety (2 points) and two field goals (3 points each). After scoring a touchdown (6 points), a team is given the chance to score 1 or 2 extra points. The Bears, in trying to sccore 1 extra point after each touchdown, missed 2 extra points. How many touchdowns did the Bears get?

Equation: 41= 2 + 2(3) + 6(x-2)
but I can't get the right answer (5 touchdowns)

What would be the equation?

x = # of touchdowns

The minus 2 at the end of the equation is the two missed extra points.

41 = 2 + 2(3) + 7x - 2

41 = 6 + 7x

35 = 7x

x = 5

To find the number of touchdowns the Bears got, let's go step by step through the information given.

First, we know that the Bears scored a total of 41 points. We can break this down into several parts: a safety (2 points), two field goals (3 points each), and touchdowns with extra points.

Let's start by calculating the points from the safety and field goals:
2 (for the safety) + 2 (for the first field goal) + 3 (for the second field goal) = 2 + 2 + 3 = 7 points.

Now we can subtract the points obtained from the safety and field goals from the total points to find the points scored from touchdowns with extra points:
41 (total points) - 7 (points from safety and field goals) = 34 points.

Now, we know that for each touchdown, the Bears attempted a 1-point extra conversion but missed 2 extra points. So, for every touchdown, instead of adding 1 point, we subtract 2 points.

To determine how many touchdowns the Bears had, we can represent it with the variable "x". So, for the touchdowns, we have 6 (points for each touchdown) multiplied by "x" (the number of touchdowns), subtracting 2 (points missed on each extra point) multiplied by "x" since they missed 2 extra points for each touchdown.

Putting it all together, we have the equation:
34 (points from touchdowns with extra points) = 6x - 2x.

Combine like terms:
34 = 4x.

Now we can solve for "x" by dividing both sides by 4:
34 / 4 = x.
8.5 = x.

However, since "x" represents the number of touchdowns, it must be a whole number. Considering that the Bears cannot score half of a touchdown, it is not possible for "x" to be 8.5.

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