A 48V battery delivers power to a golf cart. The golf cart drives for 45 seconds while the batteries deliver 12A of current.

How much energy (in Joules) is delivered during the drive?

Power= voltageinVolts*currentinAmperes*timeinseconds.

Oops, Energy= voltageinVolts*currentinAmperes*timeinseconds.

To calculate the energy delivered by the battery, you need to use the formula:

Energy (in Joules) = Power (in Watts) x Time (in seconds)

First, we need to calculate the power. Power is calculated using the equation:

Power (in Watts) = Voltage (in Volts) x Current (in Amperes)

In this case, the voltage is 48V, and the current is 12A. Let's calculate the power:

Power = 48V x 12A
Power = 576 Watts

Now that we have the power, we can calculate the energy delivered by multiplying the power by the time:

Energy = Power x Time
Energy = 576 Watts x 45 seconds

Calculating the Energy:

Energy = 25,920 Joules

Therefore, during the drive, the battery delivers 25,920 Joules of energy.