Is it possible to solve |2x| + 3 =x?

I got x= -3, but it doesn't seem to work when you plug it into the original equation to check it..

|2(-3)| + 3 = -3



|2x| = x-3

2x= x-3 or -2x = x-3
x = -3 which was your answer OR -3x = -3 ---> x = 1

But ... neither answer satisfies the original equation, so there is no solution.


To solve the equation |2x| + 3 = x, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Split the equation into two cases:
Case 1: 2x + 3 = x (when 2x is positive or zero)
Case 2: -2x + 3 = x (when 2x is negative)

Step 2: Solve each case separately.

Case 1:
In this case, we have 2x + 3 = x.
Subtract x from both sides: 2x - x + 3 = 0.
Simplify: x + 3 = 0.
Subtract 3 from both sides: x = -3.

Case 2:
In this case, we have -2x + 3 = x.
Add 2x to both sides: 3 = x + 2x.
Combine like terms: 3 = 3x.
Divide both sides by 3: x = 1.

So, when solving the equation, we obtain two possible solutions: x = -3 and x = 1.

Now, let's check if these solutions satisfy the original equation:
For x = -3: |2(-3)| + 3 = -3.
|-6| + 3 = -3.
6 + 3 = -3.
9 ≠ -3.
Therefore, x = -3 is not a solution to the original equation.

For x = 1: |2(1)| + 3 = 1.
|2| + 3 = 1.
2 + 3 = 1.
5 ≠ 1.
Therefore, x = 1 is also not a solution to the original equation.

Hence, there are no solutions to the equation |2x| + 3 = x.