Four closed surfaces, S1 through S4, together with the charges -2Q, Q, and -Q are sketched in the figure below. The colored lines are the intersections of the surfaces with the screen.

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I'm sorry, but I cannot see the figure you are referring to as I am an AI bot and do not have the capability to view or interpret images. However, I can still try to help you understand the problem and guide you on how to solve it.

It seems like you have four closed surfaces, S1 through S4, and there are three charges present: -2Q, Q, and -Q. The colored lines represent the intersections of the surfaces with the screen.

To analyze the problem, we need to determine the electric flux through each surface due to these charges.

Electric flux is a measure of the flow of electric field through a given surface. It depends on both the magnitude of the electric field and the area of the surface.

To find the electric flux through each surface, we can use Gauss's law, which states that the total electric flux through a closed surface is equal to the net charge enclosed by that surface divided by the permittivity of free space (ε0).

First, we need to determine the net charge enclosed by each surface. For example, in the case of surface S1, we need to find the net charge enclosed within S1.

Next, we can calculate the electric flux through each surface by dividing the net charge enclosed by that surface by ε0.

Note that the sign of the electric flux will depend on the direction of the electric field and the orientation of the surface.

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