two judments which imply belief in objective moral truth

What is your definition of "objective moral truth?"

What examples do you have of objective moral truth? is worth reading.

The Is-Ought argument can come to this, for instance: She ought to do feed the poor, because feeding the poor is really good.

Belief in objective moral truth is the notion that there are moral principles or values that exist independently of personal opinion or cultural norms. It suggests that certain actions are objectively right or wrong, regardless of individual perspectives. Here are two common judgments that imply such a belief in objective moral truth:

1. "Murder is morally wrong":
To arrive at the judgment that murder is morally wrong, one can engage in moral reasoning and consider various ethical frameworks. For example, you might start by recognizing the inherent value of human life and the harm caused by taking it away. From there, you can explore ethical theories like deontology (which emphasizes principles or duties) or utilitarianism (which focuses on maximizing overall well-being). Through careful examination and evaluation, you can argue that the act of murder violates objective moral principles and is universally wrong.

2. "Honesty is a virtue":
Claiming that honesty is a virtue implies belief in objective moral truth. It suggests that honesty, as opposed to deception or lying, is inherently valuable and morally right. To support this judgment, you can analyze ethical theories like virtue ethics, which focus on building character traits and habits of moral excellence. Within this framework, honesty is considered virtuous because it promotes trust, fairness, and ethical conduct. By recognizing the objective moral value of honesty, one can form this judgment.

It is worth noting that these judgments reflect common ethical perspectives, but the belief in objective moral truth can vary among individuals and cultures. Further examination and discussion are necessary to delve deeper into this complex philosophical topic.