Write an equation or inequality. 1. The difference of 73 and a number x is 17

.. How would I write one for this? I really don't understand.



To write an equation for the given problem, you need to translate the information provided into mathematical symbols. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Identify the unknown number: In this case, the unknown number is represented by "x."

2. Translate "The difference of 73 and a number x": The difference means subtraction, so we subtract x from 73. Therefore, the expression can be written as: 73 - x.

3. Translate "is 17": The phrase "is" can be represented by "=", which indicates equality. So, "is 17" can be translated as "= 17."

Putting it all together, the equation becomes:

73 - x = 17

This equation states that if you subtract x from 73, the result will be 17.