Find the measures of the requested angles.

In the figure, ABF measures 41° and DBG measures 93°. Find the measures of , , and .

A) ABD = 52°, GBC = 46°, EBC = 52°, and FBE = 131°
B) ABD = 41°, GBC = 46°, EBC = 41°, and FBE = 134°
C) ABD = 49°, GBC = 41°, EBC = 49°, and FBE = 93°
D) ABD = 46°, GBC = 41°, EBC = 46°, and FBE = 93°

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To find the measures of the requested angles, we need to use the properties of angles formed by the intersection of lines and angles in a triangle.

In the given figure, we have two intersecting lines AB and GD, and a triangle BCE.

To find the measure of angle ABD, we can use the fact that the sum of angles in a triangle is 180°. Since angle ABF measures 41°, angle ABD will be equal to 180° - 41° = 139°.

To find the measure of angle GBC, we can use the fact that when two parallel lines are intersected by a transversal, alternate interior angles are congruent. Since angles DBG and ABD are on opposite sides of the transversal GD and they are both intersected by line BC, they must be alternate interior angles and therefore congruent. So, angle GBC will also be 139°.

To find the measure of angle EBC, we need to use the fact that the sum of angles in a triangle is 180°. Since we already know that angle GBC measures 139°, angle EBC will be equal to 180° - 139° = 41°.

To find the measure of angle FBE, we can use the fact that when two parallel lines are intersected by a transversal, corresponding angles are congruent. Since angles DBG and ABF are on opposite sides of the transversal GD and they are both intersected by line BF, they must be corresponding angles and therefore congruent. So, angle FBE will also be 93°.

Therefore, the measures of the requested angles are:
ABD = 139°
GBC = 139°
EBC = 41°
FBE = 93°

Comparing these measures with the answer choices, we can see that the correct option is option D) ABD = 46°, GBC = 41°, EBC = 46°, and FBE = 93°.