find the unknown number in equation 9s=17+1

17 + 1 = 9(s) solve for s

18 = 9(s)
s = 2


9s = 18
9s/9 = 18/9
s = 2

To find the unknown number in the equation 9s = 17 + 1, we need to isolate the variable 's' on one side of the equation.

Step 1: Begin by simplifying the equation on the right side.
17 + 1 = 18

Step 2: Now we have the equation: 9s = 18.

Step 3: To solve for 's', we need to divide both sides of the equation by 9. This will cancel out the coefficient of 9 on the left side, leaving us with just 's'.
9s / 9 = 18 / 9

This simplifies to: s = 2

Therefore, the unknown number in the equation 9s = 17 + 1 is s = 2.