Can you please help me infer about Mah and her past from what she says and does and from what the narrator says about her. This is relating to the excerpt from Bone.

Well from what I've understood Mah is a woman who has worked hard all her life to support her family. And from the narrator's we get to know that Mah has gotten married many times. It might be because she took immediate decisions and later on found out that her marriage was a mistake.

Am I right?

Of course! To infer about Mah and her past from what she says and does, as well as from what the narrator says about her, it is important to analyze the context and details provided in the excerpt from "Bone." Here's a step-by-step guide on how to gather and analyze information to make informed inferences:

1. Read Mah's dialogue: Pay close attention to what Mah says, her tone, and the emotions she conveys. Look for any hints or clues about her past experiences or personal history. Note any specific references to events or individuals that may be significant.

2. Observe Mah's actions and behavior: Take note of Mah's actions and how she interacts with other characters in the story. Look for patterns or behaviors that may indicate specific past experiences or perspectives. Consider Mah's body language, gestures, and reactions to events or conversations.

3. Analyze the narrator's description of Mah: Pay attention to how the narrator describes Mah. Look for any descriptive language or specific details that reveal information about her background or personality. Consider the narrator's tone and any biases they may have.

4. Look for connections and patterns: Once you have gathered information from Mah's dialogue, actions, and the narrator's description, analyze the connections and patterns that emerge. Do Mah's statements align with her behaviors? Are there any contradictions or inconsistencies that could hint at hidden aspects of her past?

5. Consider Mah's relationships: Examine Mah's relationships with other characters in the story. How do they interact with her, and how does she react to them? Look for any indications of past history or unresolved issues that may shed light on her background.

6. Evaluate Mah's emotional state: Consider Mah's emotional state in the story. Are there any indications of trauma, grief, or unresolved emotions? These emotional cues may hint at significant events in her past that have shaped her character.

7. Make logical inferences: Based on the information you have gathered and analyzed, make logical inferences about Mah's past. Consider the context of the story, the author's intentions, and any themes or messages present in the text. Remember to support your inferences with evidence from the story.

By following these steps and closely examining the text, you will be able to gather valuable information about Mah's past and make well-supported inferences about her character and background.