toi / la / aimer / la / moi / fête / mieux / et / nous / faire

i am supposed to unscramble and conjugate these and make a sentence i cant figure one out that makes sense

they are already unscrambled

but you have to mae a sentence wwith each of these words in one sentence
or different sentence for each word?

Are you sure one of the "la" is not a "l&agrave"?

Are you sure one of the "la" is not a "là"?

To unscramble the given words and form a meaningful sentence, you need to rearrange them correctly. Based on the provided words, here is a possible sentence:

"Moi et toi, nous aimons faire la fête et mieux nous connaître."

This sentence translates to "You and I, we love to party and get to know each other better."

To form this sentence, the words should be rearranged as follows:

"Toi et moi / aimer / la / fête / et / nous / mieux / faire."

Next, we need to conjugate the verb "aimer" (to love) correctly. In this case, "moi et toi" represents the subject, so the correct conjugation is "aimons" (we love).

Therefore, the final sentence is "Moi et toi, nous aimons faire la fête et mieux nous connaître."