According to Ch. 12 of the text, there are barriers that prevent the implementation of technology in classrooms. Based on your experiences or observations, what barriers exist that are not mentioned in Ch. 12? Discuss possible solutions to these barriers. You may want to use the Internet to research this topic.

We can't possibly help you because we don't have your text (whatever it is)!

I just needed to know some barriers that exist in spite of the new technology that has been introduce to the classrooms.

What barriers are mentioned in Chapter 12?

When i read this... It stated to find barriers not mention in the textbook... so can you give us some barriers that arent mentioned in the textbook for education

To identify barriers that are not mentioned in Chapter 12 of the text and explore possible solutions, we can search the internet for additional insights. Here's how you can find information on barriers to implementing technology in classrooms and potential solutions:

1. Start by using a search engine like Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo. Enter search keywords like "barriers to implementing technology in classrooms" or "challenges of technology adoption in education."

2. Browse through the search results to identify articles, research papers, or blog posts that discuss the topic. Look for reputable sources such as academic journals, educational institutions, or well-known organizations in the field of education.

3. Within the selected sources, look for sections or paragraphs that highlight barriers that are not mentioned in Chapter 12. These could be related to infrastructure, teacher training, support, or resistance to change.

4. Take note of the barriers you find and their potential impact on technology implementation. Also, pay attention to any suggestions or solutions mentioned in the sources.

5. Once you have gathered enough information, you can analyze the barriers and consider possible solutions. These may include:

- Lack of infrastructure: In some cases, schools may not have adequate internet connectivity or devices for all students. Solutions may include seeking funding for infrastructure improvements, partnering with community organizations, or implementing a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy.

- Limited teacher training: Teachers might face challenges in effectively using technology due to insufficient training. Solutions may involve providing comprehensive training programs, offering ongoing support and professional development, or establishing mentorship programs.

- Resistance to change: Some educators or administrators may be hesitant to adopt new technologies due to a fear of the unknown or concerns about the impact on teaching methods. Solutions could include promoting a culture of innovation, engaging stakeholders in decision-making, and showcasing success stories of technology integration.

Remember, the internet is a vast source of information, and it's always essential to critically evaluate the sources you find. Use the above steps as a guide to explore and analyze the barriers not mentioned in Chapter 12, and generate well-informed solutions based on the information you discover.