the population in a city is 350,000. If 0.1% of the population earns more than $200,000, about how many people are in this category?

350,000 * 0.01 = ?


To calculate the number of people in the city who earn more than $200,000, we need to find 0.1% of the population and then convert it into a whole number.

Step 1: Calculate 0.1% of the population
0.1% of a value can be found by multiplying the value by 0.1/100. In this case, we need to find 0.1% of 350,000:
0.1/100 * 350,000 = 0.001 * 350,000 = 350

Step 2: Round the result to the nearest whole number
Since the question asks for an approximate number of people, we can round the result to the nearest whole number:

Therefore, approximately 350 people in the city earn more than $200,000.