need help dissecting five sentences for parts of speech and sentence

1) Following too closely behind a car can be dangerous

If you tell us what YOU THINK the main subject and verb are, we'll work with you on the rest.

Hint: The subject of that sentence is a gerund phrase.

To dissect this sentence for parts of speech and sentence structure, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the subject(s) and verb(s) in the sentence.
- The subject in this sentence is "Following too closely behind a car."
- The verb in this sentence is "can be."

Step 2: Determine the parts of speech for each word.
- Following: Gerund (a verb form used as a noun)
- too: Adverb
- closely: Adverb
- behind: Preposition
- a: Article (specifically, an indefinite article)
- car: Noun
- can: Modal verb
- be: Verb (infinitive)

Step 3: Identify the sentence structure.
- This sentence is an example of a simple sentence with a subject (Following too closely behind a car) and a predicate (can be dangerous).

Here is the breakdown of the parts of speech and sentence structure:
- Gerund (Following) + adverbs (too, closely) + Preposition (behind) + Article (a) + Noun (car) + Modal verb (can) + Verb (be) + Adjective (dangerous)