I need to write a 5 paragraph essay defending my position on why I don't want American made products only, and why an open economy is better. Can I get some links/opinions or something to help me with this..?


First, it's almost impossible to find American-made products.

I urge you to go to Wal-Mart or a similar store and spend an hour or so trying to find American-made clothing, household appliances, or electronics. My hunch is that you'll find nothing. American workers can't compete with the very low wages in developing countries that manufacture these goods. Write down the prices of a lot of these products.

Then, study this site that lists American-made goods. What is the difference in prices and the ease of obtaining these goods?


Study these sites about open economy.


P.S. -- did you see the site I posted about the Islamic center near Ground Zero?

If not, I'll be glad to repost it for you.

No, I didn't get to see it. Reposting it would be great.

Thanks for all the help Ms.Sue! I reallly appreciate it(:



You're very welcome, MC. I hope you really learn a lot and enjoy this school year. :-)

Of course! I can provide you with some guidance on how to write a persuasive essay defending your position on not wanting American made products exclusively and why an open economy is better. Here's an outline to get you started:

I. Introduction
A. Introduce the topic and present your thesis statement that supports an open economy and the inclusion of non-American made products.
B. Grab the reader's attention with a hook, such as a surprising fact or a thought-provoking question.

II. Economic Benefits of an Open Economy
A. Explain the concept of an open economy, wherein countries trade goods and services freely.
B. Discuss the advantages of an open economy, including increased competition, greater consumer choice, and potential economic growth.
C. Support your arguments with examples and statistics from reputable sources.

III. Global Interconnectedness and Cultural Exchange
A. Highlight the cultural benefits of not limiting oneself to American made products only.
B. Discuss how an open economy fosters global interconnectedness and promotes cultural exchange.
C. Provide examples of how exposure to diverse products and ideas can enhance our understanding and appreciation of different cultures.

IV. Considerations for Consumer Affordability and Quality
A. Acknowledge the concern that American made products may be more expensive or of lower quality than their international counterparts.
B. Explain how an open economy allows consumers to access a wider variety of products at competitive prices.
C. Provide evidence to support your claim, such as comparative price studies and product reviews.

V. Conclusion
A. Summarize your main points and restate your thesis statement, reiterating your support for an open economy.
B. Conclude with a strong closing statement that leaves an impression on the reader.

To find resources and opinions to support your arguments, you can start by conducting research using online databases, academic journals, and reputable news sources. Some relevant keywords to search for could be "benefits of open economy," "global trade advantages," "consumer choice and variety," and "economic impact of international trade."

Remember, it's important to critically evaluate your sources for credibility and reliability. Look for information from reputable institutions and experts in the field to build a strong and persuasive essay.

Best of luck with your essay, and feel free to ask if you have any further questions!