241 kJ to Calories

how do i do this?

There are 4.184 joules in a calorie. Set up a proportion OR use dimensional analysis.

i got 5.76e4 but its wrong

241 kJ x (1000 J/1 kJ) x (1 calorie/4.184 J) = 5.76 x 10^4 calories. You have the correct answer. Is this a nutrition course? If so, and I notice you wrote Calories and not calories, sometimes the nutritionists call a BIG calorie (a kcal), a Calorie. If you convert to BIG calories, that would be 57.6 kcal = 57.6 Calories = 57.6 big calories.

To convert a value in kilojoules (kJ) to calories (Cal), you can use the conversion factor that 1 kJ is equivalent to 0.239006 calories. Follow these steps to convert 241 kJ to calories:

Step 1: Multiply the value in kJ by the conversion factor:
241 kJ x 0.239006 cal/kJ = 57.679346 calories

Step 2: Round the result to an appropriate number of decimal places. In this case, let's round to the nearest hundredth:
57.679346 ≈ 57.68 calories

So, 241 kJ is approximately equal to 57.68 calories.