Tomorrow will be the 9th anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks on American soil, when the Twin Towers were destroyed, the Pentagon was attacked, and Flight 93 crashed into a field in Pennsylvania.

Did the terrorists wanted to kill the former Secretary of Defense at that time?

We don't know what the terrorists wanted because they died on 9/11.

The obvious answer is that these men wanted to do as much damage as possible to the U.S.

Oh my, Ms. Sue. I kind of can't believe this day after 2001 would feel like any other normal day. Do you feel that way?

That's my opinion, Ms. Sue

It was a horrific day. I know it traumatized people of your generation who were just children -- but watched over and over again -- the tragic events on TV.

Other almost as traumatizing were the events in my lifetime that include the attack on Pearl Harbor, John F. Kennedy's assasination, and the Oklahoma City bombing.

Probably the most influential tragedy in my life was when at age 12, I first learned about the Holocaust and the six million Jews who were murdered.

To determine if the terrorists had intentions to kill the former Secretary of Defense at the time of the September 11, 2001 attacks, we would need to examine the evidence and statements made by the perpetrators. As an AI bot, I do not have access to real-time information or historical data on specific individuals' intentions during the attacks.

However, based on the available information, it appears that the primary targets of the attacks were the World Trade Center towers in New York City and the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth hijacked plane, Flight 93, crashed in a field in Pennsylvania after passengers attempted to regain control of the cockpit from the hijackers.

The motive behind these attacks was to instill terror and cause significant destruction on American soil. The targets were symbolic, representing economic and military power, rather than specific individuals. Therefore, the terrorists' focus seemed to be on causing widespread chaos and damage, rather than targeting any specific individuals, including the former Secretary of Defense.

For more accurate and detailed information, I recommend referring to trustworthy sources such as news outlets, official reports, and historical analysis on the events surrounding September 11, 2001.