2.70 g/cm3 to pounds per cubic foot

could you please show me the steps

To convert from grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³) to pounds per cubic foot (lb/ft³), you'll need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert grams to pounds.
Since 1 pound is equal to 453.592 grams, you can use this conversion factor. Divide the given value (2.70 g/cm³) by 453.592 to convert grams to pounds.

2.70 g/cm³ ÷ 453.592 g/lb = 0.005956 lb/cm³

Step 2: Convert cubic centimeters to cubic feet.
To convert from cubic centimeters (cm³) to cubic feet (ft³), you need to use the conversion factor 1 ft = 30.48 cm. First, convert cm to inches by dividing by 2.54 (since 1 inch = 2.54 cm). Then, convert inches to feet by dividing by 12 inches per foot.
So, (1 ft) / (30.48 cm) = 0.0328084 ft/cm

Multiply the obtained value by itself twice to get the conversion for cubic centimeters to cubic feet.

(0.0328084 ft/cm) x (0.0328084 ft/cm) x (0.0328084 ft/cm) = 0.000579979 ft³/cm³

Step 3: Convert pounds per cubic centimeter to pounds per cubic foot.
To convert from pounds per cubic centimeter (lb/cm³) to pounds per cubic foot (lb/ft³), you divide the previous result by the conversion value obtained in Step 2.

0.005956 lb/cm³ ÷ 0.000579979 ft³/cm³ = 10.2778 lb/ft³

Therefore, 2.70 g/cm³ is equivalent to 10.2778 lb/ft³.