2.70 g/cm3 to pounds per cubic foot

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To convert 2.70 g/cm³ to pounds per cubic foot, you need to perform a two-step conversion. First, you convert grams to pounds, and then you convert cubic centimeters to cubic feet.

Step 1: Convert grams to pounds
1 pound is equal to 453.59237 grams.

2.70 g/cm³ × (1 pound / 453.59237 grams) = 0.00595221 pounds/cm³

Step 2: Convert cubic centimeters to cubic feet
1 cubic foot is equal to 28316.8466 cubic centimeters.

0.00595221 pounds/cm³ × (1 cubic foot / 28316.8466 cubic centimeters) = 0.00595221 pounds/cubic foot

Therefore, 2.70 g/cm³ is approximately equal to 0.00595221 pounds per cubic foot.