A bus travels 280 km south along a straight path with an average velocity of 88 km/h to the south. The bus stops for 24 min. Then it travels 210 km south with an average velocity of 75 km/h to the south.

how long does the total trip last?
what is the average velocity for the total trip?

280km / 88km per hour = 3.18 hours


24 minutes = .4 hours


210km / 75km per hour = 2.8 hours

2.8 hours + .4 hours + 3.18 hours = 6.38 hours

Average Velocity = Total Distance / time

Total distance = 280 + 210 = 490km

490km/6.38hours =76.8km per hour



and 35min = 0.58h

1) t= d/V = 445km / 90km/h = 4.9h (divide 445km by 90km/h)
t= d/V = 321km / 83km/h = 3.8h (divide 321km by 83km/h)

2) total time = 4.9h + 3.8h + 0.58h = 9.28h

3) Average velocity = total distance/time
= (445+321)/ 9.28
= 766/9.28 = 82.54km/h
[add both distance to get total distance, then divide by total time]

Heather and Matthew walk with an average velocity of 0.98 m/s eastward. If it takes them 34 min to walk to the store, what is their displacement?

1999.8 m = 2 km 1999.2

A bus travels 445km south along a straight path with an average velocity of 90km/h to the south. The bus stops for 35 min. Then, it travels 321 km south with an average velocity of 83 km/h to the south. What is the average velocity for the total trip?

Thank you helped so much

Nice, Pretty easy to understand, thanks