Population distribution describes the ________.?

a) immigration of people from one nation to another

b) wanderers who move from place to place

c) relation of people to the physical features and to each other

d) migration of people from one geographical region to another

e) rapid growth of people throughout the world



The correct answer is c) relation of people to the physical features and to each other.

Population distribution refers to how people are distributed or spread out across a particular area or region. It describes the spatial pattern of population and the way people are distributed in relation to physical features such as landforms, climate, water bodies, and natural resources. Additionally, it also considers the relationship between people in terms of their proximity to each other, such as the concentration or dispersion of population in urban or rural areas.

To determine the population distribution, geographers and demographers study factors like population density, which is the number of individuals per unit of land area. They analyze census data, satellite imagery, and other sources to assess the spatial variations in population distribution and understand the factors influencing it.

Therefore, population distribution is about how people are distributed in relation to their environment and to each other, rather than immigration, wanderers, migration, or rapid population growth.