how does a hundred chart help you continue growing number patterns?

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A hundred chart is a useful tool for continuing and recognizing number patterns. It provides a visual representation of the numbers from 1 to 100 arranged in a grid. To use a hundred chart to continue growing number patterns, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the number pattern: Look for a pattern in the given set of numbers. For example, if the pattern is increasing by 2 each time (e.g., 2, 4, 6, 8), you know that you need to add 2 to each successive number.

2. Locate the starting number on the hundred chart: Find the first number of the pattern on the hundred chart and place a marker, such as a colored pencil or a circle, on that number. This will help you keep track of your position.

3. Determine the direction of the pattern: Determine whether the pattern is increasing or decreasing and the amount by which it changes each time. This will guide you in knowing whether to move up, down, left, or right on the hundred chart.

4. Use the hundred chart to find the next numbers: Follow the direction of the pattern on the hundred chart, moving according to the established rules. Each time you move, identify the number you land on and record it as the next number in the pattern.

5. Continue the process: Repeat steps 3 and 4 to find more numbers in the pattern. Keep extending the pattern as far as needed or until you see a clear deviation in the pattern.

By using a hundred chart, you can visually see the relationship between numbers and their positions. This helps you understand the pattern and enables you to continue it accurately.