
To convert from pounds per square foot (lb/ft²) to newtons per square meter (N/m²), you need to use the conversion factor between the two units.

1 pound-force is approximately equal to 4.44822 newtons, and 1 square foot is equal to 0.092903 square meters.

So, to convert 100 lb/ft² to N/m², we can follow these steps:

1. Convert pounds to newtons: Multiply 100 lb by 4.44822 N/lb to get the force in newtons:
100 lb * 4.44822 N/lb = 444.822 N.

2. Convert square feet to square meters: Divide 444.822 N by 0.092903 m², since there are 0.092903 square meters in one square foot:
444.822 N / 0.092903 m² = 4788.46 N/m² (rounded to two decimal places).

Therefore, 100 lb/ft² is equal to approximately 4788.46 N/m².