Which large island is located farthest north?


Read carefully.

I don't have an answer I need an answer LOL! sorry find somebody else :)! bye Suckers Lollllll jk! but yeah.

social studies

To find the largest island located farthest north, we can start by looking at a map or using an online map service. One popular option is Google Maps. Here's how you can get the answer using Google Maps:

1. Open a web browser and go to www.google.com/maps or search for "Google Maps" in your preferred search engine.
2. Once on the Google Maps homepage, you will see a search bar at the top left corner of the screen. Click on it and type in "largest islands" or the name of a specific large island you have in mind.
3. As you start typing, Google Maps will suggest options based on your input. Click on the option that says "largest islands" or the specific island you want to know about.
4. Google Maps will evaluate your search and provide a list of relevant results. Look for the island you are interested in and click on it.
5. The map will zoom in to show the location of the island you selected. You can now use the navigation controls on the screen to move around and explore the map.
6. To find the island located farthest north, keep an eye on the latitude coordinates displayed in the search bar at the top of the map. The island with the highest latitude value will be the one located farthest north.

Please note that the specific island located farthest north may vary depending on the map service you use or other factors such as how the coordinates are measured. It's always a good idea to double-check and consult multiple sources when seeking geographical information.