
for my review and response paper on gospel of mary I have to inegrate it with other readings that we've done in class:
Crow, Osage, Seneca, and Gikuyu creation stories. Eliade. Hymn to Aton (Egyption). Rosemary Ruether: Three Classical Creation Stories. Quran 7:11-31, 54-58. and Genesis 1-3.

But I can't seem to make a connection to the Gospel with any of these..can anyone help me on this please.
I just have to look for comparive/contrasting elements and look for differences and similariteies. also support the integration with direct quotes and further explain the quotes.

Please let me know if anyone can help!

Look at the main figure in those stories. How are each of those figures similar to the image of Christ in Mary's gospel? How are they different? Make a chart for each of those figures... one side for like, one side for difference. Then you will be able to make a valid comparison.