There is a piece of wire 200 cm long. It needs to be cut into 2 pieces, with one piece forming an equilateral triangle and the other piece forming a circle. How long must each piece be to maximize the area of each shape?

area= PI*(L/2)^2 + area of triangle.

Well, it turns out there is a neat formula

area= sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)) where s is the semi perimeter, and a,b,c are sides.

s= 1/2 (3T) where T is triangle side
so areatriangle= sqrt(3T/2)(3T/2-T)^3
= sqrt(3T/2 * T^3/8)=sqrt(3T^4/16)
= T^2/4 * sqrt3

so finally, area total=

PI (L/2)^2+ T^2/4 sqrt3
where 3T+PiL= 200cm

or Area=1/4PI* (200-3T)^2+T^2/4 sqrt4
check that.
Now with calculus, you take the derivative of area, set to zero, and solve for T, then L.
I assume you have not had this, then plot the parabola, find its maximum, and the corresponding T.

Knowing T, cut three pieces T length, and the remainder Pi*L is the circle perimeter.

check my work.

To maximize the area of the equilateral triangle, each side must have equal length. Let's assume the length of each side of the equilateral triangle is x cm.

In an equilateral triangle, all three sides are equal. Therefore, each side of the equilateral triangle would be x cm long. Since there are three sides, the total length of the wire used for the equilateral triangle would be 3x cm.

To maximize the area of the circle, the length of wire left after forming the equilateral triangle must be used to form the circumference of the circle. The remaining wire would be 200 cm - 3x cm.

The formula for the circumference of a circle is C = 2πr, where C is the circumference and r is the radius. Since the circumference is equal to the remaining wire (200 cm - 3x cm), we can write:

200 cm - 3x cm = 2πr

To find the radius, divide both sides by 2π:

(200 cm - 3x cm) / (2π) = r

Now, we can find the area of the circle using the formula A = πr^2:

A = πr^2

Substituting the value of r, we get:

A = π[(200 cm - 3x cm) / (2π)]^2

Simplifying further:

A = π[(200 cm - 3x cm)/2π]^2

A = (200 cm - 3x cm)^2 / (4π)

To maximize the area of the circle, we need to find the value of x that maximizes A.

We can do this by finding the derivative of A with respect to x and setting it equal to zero:

dA/dx = 0

Taking the derivative of A with respect to x:

dA/dx = [2(200 cm - 3x cm) / -(4π)](-3)

Simplifying further:

dA/dx = [-(6(200 cm - 3x cm)]) / (4π)

Setting dA/dx equal to zero and solving for x:

-(6(200 cm - 3x cm)) / (4π) = 0

Simplifying further:

-(200 cm - 3x cm) = 0

200 cm - 3x cm = 0

3x cm = 200 cm

x cm = 200 cm / 3

x cm ≈ 66.67 cm

To maximize the area of the equilateral triangle, each side would be approximately 66.67 cm long.

To find the length of the wire used for the equilateral triangle, we multiply the length of each side by 3:

Length used for the equilateral triangle = 3 * 66.67 cm ≈ 200 cm

The length used for the equilateral triangle is approximately 200 cm, which is the entire length of the wire.

The length of the remaining wire for the circle would be:

Length of remaining wire = 200 cm - 200 cm = 0 cm

Therefore, the length of the remaining wire for the circle would be 0 cm. However, it is not possible to form a circle with a wire length of 0 cm.

To maximize the area of the equilateral triangle and the circle, we can use mathematical optimization techniques.

Let's represent the length of one piece forming the equilateral triangle as x. Therefore, the length of the other piece forming the circle would be 200 - x.

The area of an equilateral triangle can be calculated using the formula:

Area of equilateral triangle = sqrt(3) / 4 * (side length)^2

The area of a circle can be calculated using the formula:

Area of circle = π * (radius)^2

Substituting the side length of the equilateral triangle and radius of the circle with the given lengths, we get:

Area of equilateral triangle = sqrt(3) / 4 * x^2
Area of circle = π * (200 - x)^2

To maximize the areas of both shapes, we can differentiate each area equation with respect to x and set the derivatives equal to zero:

Differentiating the area of the equilateral triangle:

d/dx (sqrt(3) / 4 * x^2) = 0

Differentiating the area of the circle:

d/dx (π * (200 - x)^2) = 0

Simplifying these equations, we can solve for x to find the length of one piece that maximizes both areas.