Speak aloud each of the following words.Which word has stress on its first syllable:

A-Ob.tain B-Fol.low C-Re.new D-De.test

In this context, "stress" means the syllable pronounced slightly more loudly than the other.

Which one do YOU THINK it is?


To determine which word has stress on its first syllable, we need to identify the syllables in each word and determine which syllable has the strongest accent or emphasis.

Let's go through each word:

A- Ob.tain: To determine the stressed syllable, we can break the word into syllables - "ob" and "tain." The stress falls on the second syllable, so "Obtain" does not have stress on its first syllable.

B- Fol.low: Breaking this word into syllables - "fol" and "low" - we can see that the first syllable "fol" has the stress. Therefore, "Follow" has stress on its first syllable.

C- Re.new: Splitting the word into syllables - "re" and "new" - we can identify that the first syllable "re" carries the stress. Hence, "Renew" has stress on its first syllable.

D- De.test: By dividing the word into syllables - "de" and "test" - we can observe that the first syllable "de" contains the stress. Therefore, "Detest" has stress on its first syllable.

Considering the options given, the word that has stress on its first syllable is B - "Follow."