Give an example, of a technological change that has caused unemployment, or

Give an example of a new technology that has created jobs
How do you think you might measure the net impact of technological change on overall employment and GDP in the USA?
Make sure that you do not use examples listed by other students

Question: how would a student know what examples other students use?

Oh ignore that part, my teacher used to use that as a discussion question online but now made it into a homework question.

An example of a technological change that has caused unemployment is the automation of manufacturing processes. For instance, the introduction of advanced robotics and machinery in factories has reduced the need for human labor. With automation, the tasks that were once performed by workers can now be performed by machines, leading to a decrease in employment opportunities for those who were previously employed in those sectors.

On the other hand, an example of a new technology that has created jobs is the growth of the e-commerce industry. The rise of online shopping platforms has opened up countless employment opportunities in areas such as logistics, customer service, web development, digital marketing, and data analysis. The increasing number of transactions conducted online has created a demand for workers in various roles associated with the e-commerce ecosystem.

Measuring the net impact of technological change on overall employment and GDP in the USA can be challenging, but there are a few approaches that can be used:

1. Labor market statistics: Analyzing employment data and trends can provide insights into the impact of technology on job creation and destruction. Comparing employment rates and sectors before and after the introduction of a particular technology can give an idea of the overall net impact.

2. GDP analysis: Assessing changes in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) can help understand the wider economic effects of technological change. Analyzing the contribution of different sectors or industries to GDP growth and identifying whether technological advancements have led to increased productivity or economic expansion can provide a better understanding of the overall impact.

3. Surveys and case studies: Conducting surveys or case studies that directly involve businesses and workers can provide qualitative data on how technological changes have affected employment. This approach allows for a more in-depth understanding of the specific challenges and opportunities faced by different industries and workers.

It's important to note that measuring the net impact of technological change on overall employment and GDP is a complex task, often requiring a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis.