multiply or divide. Then compare using <,>, or =

10(-1/2) ? 20÷4

can some on do it 4 me please

10(-1/2) = -5

20÷4 = 5

What do you think?

10(-1/2) ? 20÷4

mm is it > ??

Is -5 greater than + 5?

oww its < cazz i'm kind of confusee about this two <>

< = less than

> = more than

One way of remembering --

10 > 6

The ten is bigger so it's going to gobble up the 6.

Sure! I can help you with that.

To compare the expressions 10(-1/2) and 20÷4, we need to evaluate both expressions.

Let's start with 10(-1/2):

10(-1/2) means multiplying 10 by -1/2.

To do this, multiply the numerator (10) by -1 and keep the denominator (2) the same:

10 * (-1) = -10

So, 10(-1/2) = -10.

Now let's move on to 20÷4:

20÷4 means dividing 20 by 4.

To perform this division, simply divide the numerator (20) by the denominator (4):

20 ÷ 4 = 5

So, 20÷4 = 5.

Now that we have evaluated both expressions, we can compare them using <, >, or =.

Is -10 less than, greater than, or equal to 5?

To compare, we can use the < symbol for less than, the > symbol for greater than, or the = symbol for equal to.

In this case, since -10 is less than 5, we can write:

10(-1/2) < 20÷4

Therefore, 10(-1/2) is less than 20÷4.