Nashville, Tennessee has precipitation year- round, and it can get pretty miserable when the summer hits ( average temperature 79'F). Winters are mild with the coolest month average temperature at 37'F.

What climate is it?

a) Not Temperate
b) Humid subtropical
c) Mediterranean
d) Marine west coast



thanks you

To determine the climate of Nashville, Tennessee, we can look at the given information about average temperatures and precipitation.

Based on the given climate information, Nashville, Tennessee has precipitation year-round, suggesting that it experiences consistent rainfall throughout the year. Additionally, the average temperature in the summer is 79'F (Fahrenheit), which indicates warm temperature conditions during that season.

Given these characteristics, the climate of Nashville, Tennessee can be classified as a humid subtropical climate (option b). A humid subtropical climate is typically characterized by hot and humid summers, mild winters with occasional cold snaps, and relatively high precipitation throughout the year.