you like to play the violon, but doing so in front of people makes you nervous and you make mistakes, what is influencing your playing?

The affective filter.


Because of attenting to one's anxiety or the possible reaction of spectators, one's concentration is taken away from the task at hand, especially if it is not overlearned.

When you feel nervous and make mistakes while playing the violin in front of people, several factors could be influencing your playing. Here are a few possible factors to consider:

1. Performance anxiety: Nervousness in front of others is a common experience for many performers. Performance anxiety can affect your focus, coordination, and overall performance quality.

2. Lack of practice or preparation: Insufficient practice or preparation leading up to a performance can increase anxiety and make mistakes more likely. Regular practice will help build confidence and familiarity with the music.

3. Self-consciousness: If you are overly concerned about what others think of your playing, it can distract and negatively impact your performance. Focusing on judgment rather than the music can hinder your abilities.

4. Lack of performance experience: Playing in front of an audience is a skill that can be developed through practice. The more you perform, the better you become at managing your nerves and maintaining composure.

5. Physical tension: Nervousness can lead to increased muscle tension, which can affect your posture, bowing technique, intonation, and overall sound production.

To overcome these influences and improve your performance, here are some suggestions:

1. Practice regularly: Dedicate sufficient time to practice your violin skills, including playing in a manner as close to a performance situation as possible.

2. Seek performance opportunities: Gradually expose yourself to more performance situations, such as playing for friends, family, or small audiences. This can help desensitize you to the pressure and build confidence.

3. Practice performing: Simulate performance scenarios by recording yourself or finding virtual platforms to share your playing with others. This can help you become accustomed to the feeling of playing in front of others.

4. Develop techniques for managing anxiety: Explore relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, visualization, or mindfulness, to help reduce performance anxiety.

5. Focus on the music: Shift your attention away from what others might think and redirect it towards expressing the music itself. Concentrate on connecting emotionally with the music, and remember why you enjoy playing the violin in the first place.

6. Consult a teacher or coach: Seek guidance from a violin instructor or a performance coach who can provide personalized tips, techniques, and support specific to your situation.

Remember, overcoming performance anxiety and improving your playing in front of others takes time, patience, and practice. Embrace the process and celebrate small victories along the way.