EEG, PET and TMS are all :

A) laboratory observations that introduce experimental bias into the study
B) Descriptive methods for studying the brain
C) Standardized methods for studying the brain
D) experimentally controlled technologies for brain-wave analysis

I am confused between B and C although I think B is the better choice

Aren't these different types of tests/scans? B doesn't work.

Yes they are different types of tests/Scans used to study the brain, so then I guess C would be the better choice. Thank you

To determine whether EEG, PET, and TMS are descriptive methods (B) or standardized methods (C) for studying the brain, let's explore their characteristics.

EEG, or electroencephalography, is a technique that measures electrical activity in the brain using electrodes placed on the scalp. It provides a time-sensitive measurement of brain activity and can be used to study brain waves during different cognitive tasks or states. EEG is a descriptive method because it describes the patterns of electrical activity in the brain.

PET, or positron emission tomography, involves injecting a radioactive tracer into the body that emits positrons. The tracer is taken up by the brain, and as it decays, it emits gamma rays. A PET scan detects these gamma rays and produces images of brain activity. PET scans are used to measure blood flow changes and metabolic activity in the brain. Like EEG, PET is also a descriptive method because it helps describe the physiological activity in the brain.

TMS, or transcranial magnetic stimulation, is a non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate specific regions of the brain. By applying magnetic pulses to the scalp, TMS can modulate neuronal activity and investigate the causal relationship between brain areas and behavior. TMS is an experimental technique that allows researchers to manipulate brain activity.

Based on these descriptions, it can be concluded that EEG and PET are descriptive methods (B) for studying the brain, as they provide measurements and descriptions of brain activity. On the other hand, TMS is an experimentally controlled technology (D) because it involves manipulating brain activity. Therefore, the correct answer is D) experimentally controlled technologies for brain-wave analysis.

Option C) standardized methods for studying the brain does not accurately describe the nature of these techniques, as they are not necessarily standardized across all studies and can involve variations in protocols and methodologies.