2 m 300 mm = _____cm

The basic conversion factors are

1m = 100cm
1m = 1000mm
and 10mm = 1cm

1m 300mm
100cm + 300/10cm
= 130cm


To convert 2 meters and 300 millimeters to centimeters, you need to convert each unit to the same unit of measurement (centimeters in this case) and then add them together.

1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters, and 1 millimeter is equal to 0.1 centimeters. Therefore, you can convert the given measurements as follows:

2 meters = 2 × 100 centimeters = 200 centimeters
300 millimeters = 300 × 0.1 centimeters = 30 centimeters

Now that both measurements are in centimeters, you can add them together:

200 centimeters + 30 centimeters = 230 centimeters.

Therefore, 2 meters and 300 millimeters is equal to 230 centimeters.