is estimate greater than actal sum?

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Estimates can be greater than the actual sum, less than, or the same as. It depends on the actual problem.

To determine whether an estimate is greater than the actual sum, you need to compare the two values. Here's how you can do it:

1. Obtain the estimate: The estimate is an approximation or prediction of a value. If you have an estimate already, move to the next step. Otherwise, if you need to make an estimate, consider gathering relevant information and applying reasonable assumptions to make an educated guess.

2. Determine the actual sum: The actual sum refers to the real or precise value of the sum. If you have the actual sum, proceed to step three. Otherwise, if you have individual values that need to be summed, add them up accurately to find the actual sum.

3. Compare the estimate and the actual sum: Now that you have both values, compare them by asking: Is the estimate greater than the actual sum? If the estimate is larger, then the estimate is indeed greater than the actual sum. On the other hand, if the actual sum is larger, then the estimate is not greater than the actual sum.

Remember, an estimate is typically an approximation and may not always match the actual sum exactly. The extent of the difference between the estimate and the actual sum depends on the accuracy of the estimate and any potential variability in the data.