Need help with this math problem please. Work need to be show but I have no idea how to complete the problem.

(-4)3 (the 3 is an exponent)

Thanks for your help

(-4)^3 means

so you will get -64

Sure! I'd be happy to help you with this math problem. To find the answer, we need to understand the concept of exponents.

In this problem, (-4)^3, the number -4 is raised to the power of 3. This means we need to multiply -4 by itself three times.

To solve it step by step, you can follow these instructions:

1. Start by writing down the base, which is -4.

2. Multiply the base by itself. In this case, multiply -4 by -4: (-4) × (-4) = 16.

3. Now, multiply the result by the original base once again: 16 × (-4) = -64.

Therefore, the answer to (-4)^3 is -64.

Remember to follow the rule of exponentiation: when you have a negative base raised to an odd power, the result will be negative. If the power is even, the result will be positive.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to solve this problem! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.